Discuss Progress
Ensure accountability across teams and assess proof of value of recent Age Inclusion program efforts to provide input to next round of program planning

1. Assess participation and success
After you've taken action(s) to more fully leverage a multi-generational workforce, it's important to take a moment to reflect on progress, participation and how these efforts affected the success of the overall organization.
Actions To Consider
Identify teams who have participated in recent age inclusion efforts (and celebrate their efforts). Pay special attention to senior leaders who supported their teams' efforts, and individual advocates who went above and beyond to make the initiative successful. Recognition is a powerful motivator for people across the organization to see that this is valued work that enhances career opportunities. For those leaders and teams who participated, what metrics of success are available? How did their overall metrics perform during this period, and can any of that be attributed to increased age inclusion efforts?
Use this worksheet to reflect with your team about what you've learned from your recent age inclusion efforts.

2. Learn from challenges
After you've taken action(s) to more fully leverage a multi-generational workforce, it's also important to take a moment to reflect on and be curious about any obstacles or hesitancy that your teams encountered. This is key to designing your next steps to fully engage the organization.
Actions To Consider
Assess our messaging to teams who did/ did not participate in Age Inclusion efforts. Be curious about why they did not participate fully when they were invited to do so. Are they skeptical of the value of age inclusion? Are they bought into the value of age inclusion, but felt they didn't have bandwidth to participate in the recent age inclusion efforts? Is something else going on? Listen and learn so you can apply what you learn when you design your next round of age inclusion actions.
Take a moment to be curious about who did or did not participate in your recent age inclusion efforts-- and why.

3. Discuss the value of recent efforts
Touch base with senior leaders to update them on progress and learnings from your recent efforts to support a multi-generational workforce. Use this as an opportunity to secure buy in to continue to address age inclusion as a strategic priority.
Actions To Consider
Use 30 minutes in your regular leadership team meeting to provide an update on recent efforts to leverage a multi-generational workforce, and secure buy-in to continue to address it as a strategic priority.
Leadership team of organization
CHRO or senior HR leader
2 hrs to plan, 30 min to present
Steps and Resources
Secure 30 minutes on the agenda of an upcoming leadership team meeting. You can use this draft email
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Use this slide deck to prepare for your discussion, and to facilitate conversation with the leadership team
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Based on outcomes of the conversation, use this draft email to confirm next steps and engage support
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Help AARP improve the workshop resources by completing this short survey
1. Assess participation and success
Use this worksheet to reflect with your team about what you've learned from your recent age inclusion efforts.
2. Learn from challenges
Take a moment to be curious about who did or did not participate in your recent age inclusion efforts-- and why.
3. Discuss the value of recent efforts
Use this draft email to request time with senior leaders to provide a progress update and secure buy-in for follow-up initiatives.
Use this slide deck to prepare to discuss recent age inclusion efforts and to facilitate conversation with the leadership team.
Use this draft email to follow-up with leaders who joined your discussion of learnings from recent age inclusion efforts.
After you have hosted a workshop, help AARP improve the workshop resources by completing this short survey.