Our Mission
Our Mission
The workforce is more generationally diverse than it has ever been, and demographic trends suggest this will remain the case for many years to come. This generational diversity is also impacting the number of employees who balance work and caregiving duties. AARP is committed to helping organizations create and sustain cultures that are supportive of caregivers and inclusive of employees of all ages, from the youngest entrants to the oldest contributors.

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Employer Pledge
Show you’re committed to an age-diverse workforce. Take the AARP Employer Pledge and join companies nationwide in affirming the value of experienced workers.
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Mindedge Course Catalog
When considering the training needs of your workforce, it’s important to include older workers in the mix.
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Post Jobs with the AARP Job Board
Get your jobs in front of millions of experienced job seekers looking for opportunities with companies that value an age-diverse workforce.
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Guide: How to Manage Mixed-Age Teams
Many managers lead teams of people both older and younger than they are. This guide supports them with activities and practices
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Guide: Creating an Intergenerational ERG
Whether you want to bring age-related topics into existing ERGs or start an age-focused ERG, this toolkit is packed with ideas.
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Generations at Work
Across generations, we are more alike than we may at first appear, and we need all ages at the table to drive organizational success. But some differences do exist. AARP can help you navigate the challenges and delights of the five-generation workforce.
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