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Age-Inclusive & Caregiving-Friendly Workplaces

The workforce is more generationally diverse than it has ever been, and demographic trends suggest this will remain the case for many years to come. This generational diversity is also impacting the number of employees who balance work and caregiving duties. AARP is committed to helping organizations create and sustain cultures that are supportive of caregivers and inclusive of employees of all ages, from the youngest entrants to the oldest contributors.

Sign the Employer Pledge

Show you’re committed to an age-diverse workforce. Take the AARP Employer Pledge and join companies nationwide in affirming the value of experienced workers.

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Age Inclusion Digest

Subscribe now to receive Age Inclusion Digest, our monthly newsletter which provides news and updates for employers who value workers across the age spectrum.

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Post Jobs with the AARP Job Board

Older workers bring a wealth of experience and soft skills but many employers don't know how to reach them. Post open positions on our Job Board to access a unique talent pool.

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Age-Friendly Technology

 The Age Tech Collaborative helps employers build digital literacy and connectivity among the 50-plus consumers. Download checklists and action plans to create age-inclusive technology.

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Take action to make the ad industry more age-inclusive

Ageism is a systemic issue affecting everyone in most societies. And with 5 generations in the workforce, it affects us at all ages and stages of our careers. The advertising industry has the power to affect culture, and it’s imperative that we actively embrace age inclusion and representation in the workforce, the workplace, and the work we create.

The 3-part Age Inclusion in Action Guide is designed to help employees, employers, and brands take meaningful action to ensure age inclusion and representation across all facets of the advertising and marketing industry.

At any point on our inclusion journey, we may encounter intergenerational conflict or tension, which can be hard to navigate. We invite you to get curious. Interrogate your biases. Consider that intent may not align with impact. Commit to learning – and unlearning. And stick around for challenging conversations. 

Remember: changing mindsets, structures, and systems takes time. And consistent action.

Take age-inclusive action


Webinars and Events

Our resources on age inclusivity and supporting family caregivers don't end at articles and guides. Join our free webinars to learn more about these topics or schedule a lunch-and-learn or book a speaker to learn directly from an expert.

On-Demand Webinars

  • A Guide to Managing Mixed Aged Teams
  • The Intergenerational ERG: A Key to Fostering Age Inclusion
  • Upskilling and Reskilling Mid-Career Workers
  • Multigenerational Teams in Manufacturing
  • And more...

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Employer Pledge Program

Show you’re committed to an age-diverse workforce. Take the AARP Employer Pledge and join companies nationwide in affirming experienced workers.

Take the Pledge