Resource Center

Employer Resource Center

Discover useful tools and resources to help organizations create and sustain an age-inclusive workforce

87 Resources

Review L&D Data

Use this worksheet to ensure that your employees of all ages feel supported in their upskilling efforts.

What Employers Need to Know About Medicare

Human Resources teams can use this resource to reduce stress and make good decisions regarding Medicare enrollment.

Presentation Slide
Age Inclusive Hiring – Presentation

Facilitate the Age Inclusive Hiring workshop for your talent acquisition team using this slide deck.

Leading Mixed Age Teams – Presentation

Facilitate the Leading Mixed Age Teams workshop for your employees using this slide deck.

Discuss Progress – Presentation

Use this slide deck to prepare to discuss recent age inclusion efforts and to facilitate conversation with the leadership team.

Anchor in Values

Use this worksheet with your team to explore how age inclusion efforts can help your organization live more fully to its values.

Data through Age Lens

Use this worksheet to help guide discussion about how a multigenerational workforce affects your employees' experiences.

Map Strengths and Gaps

Use this worksheet to create a high-level view of where age inclusion is already integrated and where opportunities remain.

Age Inclusive Hiring – Email to Participants

After hosting the Age Inclusive Hiring workshop, be sure to follow up with participants after the workshop using this draft email

DEI Data with Age Lens

Incorporate age as another element of your current diversity metrics, and ensure it becomes part of your regular reporting.

Review HR Benefits and Policies

Use this worksheet to assess where you can integrate age inclusion in your benefits offerings, HR policies, and communications.

Integrate into Benefits

Creating benefits tip sheets for specific “life moments” can be a welcome way to integrate age-inclusive practices into benefits.

Analyze Benefits Data

Use this report template to digest benefits utilization and satisfaction data through the lens of age.

Review L&D Practices

Use this worksheet to map opportunities to add age inclusion as a topic in your Learning and Development programs and content. 

Review Workforce Management Practices

Use this worksheet to assess your workforce management practices to ensure they meet the needs of employees of all ages.

Workforce Management Data

Use this worksheet to help you analyze your employee engagement survey reports through the lens of age.

Manager Self-Reflection

Use this worksheet to identify how your efforts to build an mixed age team can contribute to achieving your own performance goals.

Map Outcomes

Use this worksheet to reflect with your team about what you've learned from your recent age inclusion efforts.

Be Curious

Take a moment to be curious about who did or did not participate in your recent age inclusion efforts-- and why.

Why Signaling Caregiver Inclusion Can Boost Recruiting and Hiring Success

Caregiving in one form or another affects the majority of the workforce. Boost your hiring success by showing benefits and support

Tip Sheet
Ensure Recruiting and Hiring are Caregiver-Inclusive

Candidates seek assurance they can thrive professionally while caregiving. Explore actions to improve recruitment success.

Design our Plan – Presentation

Use this Design Our Plan slide deck to prepare for your discussion, and to facilitate conversation with your team.

Presentation Slide
Align Senior Leaders – Presentation

To align senior leaders, use this slide deck to prepare for your discussion and to facilitate conversation.

How to Manage Mixed-Age Teams

Many managers lead teams of people both older and younger than they are. This guide supports them with activities and practices

Review Talent Acquisition Practices

Use this worksheet to assess where you can integrate age inclusion in your talent acquisition policies, processes and tools.

Discuss Progress – Email to Leaders

Use this draft email to follow-up with leaders who joined your discussion of learnings from recent age inclusion efforts.

Discuss Progress – Proposal

Use this draft email to request time with senior leaders to provide a progress update and secure buy-in for follow-up initiatives.

Caregiving Program Series – Email to Leaders

Update the leaders who approved hosting the Caregiving Program Series, using this draft email to highlight wins and learnings.

Caregiving Program Series – Email to Participants

Follow up with participants after a Caregiver Program Series workshop using this draft email.

Caregiving Program Series – Proposal

If you need to secure approval or gather support to host a caregiver workshop, use this draft email to start the conversation.

Leading Mixed Age Teams – Email to Leaders

Use this email to follow up with those who helped you gain approval and support to host the Leading Mixed Age Teams workshop.

Leading Mixed Age Teams – Email to Participants

Use this email to follow up with all participants after the conclusion of the Leading Mixed Age Teams workshop.

Leading Mixed Age Teams – Marketing

Use these marketing assets in your outreach to invite people managers to join the Leading Mixed Aged Teams workshop.

Leading Mixed Age Teams – Proposal

Use this email to secure buy-in from your leadership team to host the Leading Mixed Age Teams workshop.

Age Inclusive Hiring – Email to Leaders

Update the leaders who approved the workshop using this draft email to highlight wins and learnings from the completed workshop.

Age Inclusive Hiring – Marketing

Once your talent acquisition team members are prepared to facilitate the workshop, use this to invite hiring managers to join.

Age Inclusive Hiring – Proposal

Use this draft proposal to secure approval to offer the Age Inclusive Hiring workshop in your organization.

Design Our Plan – One Page Overview

At the end of the Design Our Plan workshop, your plan can be distilled into this overview.

Design Our Plan – Proposal

Secure 60 minutes on the agenda of an upcoming Human Resources meeting to design your action plan. You can use this draft email.

Align Senior Leaders – Proposal

To align leaders and secure support, use this draft email to secure 30 minutes on the agenda of a leadership team meeting.

Tip Sheet
Developing Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Small Business Employees

As a small business owner, supporting employee upskilling can be daunting and costly. This tipsheet offers practical help.

Your Career Doesn’t Need to Have a Purpose

This Harvard Business Review article proposes what you can focus on instead of "purpose" and why.

Workshop Participant Survey

At the conclusion of your workshop, please invite employees who joined the workshop to complete this brief participant survey.

Workshop Host Survey

After you have hosted a workshop, help AARP improve the workshop resources by completing this short survey.

Tip Sheet
When to Claim Social Security

This tipsheet provides your employees with a basic overview of what to consider when deciding when to claim Social Security.

What’s the AARP Employer Pledge?

The AARP Employer Pledge is a nationwide group of employers who stand with AARP in affirming the value of experienced workers.

Tip Sheet
Tip Sheet: Age-Inclusive Hiring for Social Impact

Older workers are a great source of talent for social impact organizations. This tipsheet offers strategies for recruiting them.

The Value of Experience 2023 Report

For the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination Act, AARP surveyed workers 45+ on their experiences with age bias.

The Prism of Age in the Workplace

Building age into diversity and inclusion takes understanding age from multiple angles. This tool provides a nuanced framework.

The ABCs of 401Ks

Help your employees understand the benefits of saving for retirement with 401Ks.

Tip Sheet
Taxation of Social Security Benefits

This tipsheet provides a high-level overview of how Social Security benefits are taxed.

Supporting Caregivers in the Workforce: A Practical Guide for Employers

Use this guide to support family caregivers at work and help employers identify best practices and improve workplace support.

Small Business Caregiving Online Resource Guide

This site offers practical guidance for small businesses to address challenges and build supportive workplaces for caregivers.

Presentation Slide
Slides – Generational Perspectives on Hybrid Work

Learn how members from multiple generations perceive hybrid work, which may differ from how it actually impacts them.

Research – The Business Case for Workers 50+

Many employers hire 50+ workers for their valuable experience. Use this guide to win leadership buy-in to recruit and retain them.

Research – Age Discrimination Persists

For the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination Act, AARP surveyed workers 45+ on their experiences with age bias.

Recruitment by Career Stage

Use this assessment to review recruiting by career stage and identify gaps in your internal and external sourcing strategies.

Promote Disability Inclusion in the Workplace

AARP worked with Disability:IN to develop this overview of how employers can holistically support employees with disabilities.

Tip Sheet
Mentoring Programs for Small Businesses

Small businesses can benefit from this tipsheet offering tailored guidance on developing a mentorship program on a modest scale.

Tip Sheet
Medicare and Health Savings Accounts

Use this tip sheet to navigate Health Savings Accounts for your employees who use Medicare.

Tip Sheet
Medicare and Federal Employee Health Benefits

This tip sheet helps HR leaders and employees enrolled in Medicare to navigate federal employee health benefits and rules.

Tip Sheet
Medicare and COBRA

HR leaders and employees can use this tip sheet to navigate COBRA for those who use Medicare.

Measure Age Diversity & Inclusion

Evaluate your age diversity efforts by giving this survey to employees. Use it as a starting point for meaningful discussions.

Tip Sheet
How to Develop a Financial Wellness Program

This tipsheet helps small businesses implement financial wellness initiatives without having to break the bank.

Employers Are Stepping Up to Support Caregivers- Is Yours?

Explore flexible work, benefits, and integrating caregiver needs into corporate planning and communications efforts.

Determining the Return on Investment: Supportive Policies for Employee Caregivers

Learn about the business case for family caregiver policies

Caregiving in the United States 2020

This AARP report is widely cited for caregiving data. Find key insights in the Impact of Caregiving on Work section.

Boost Your Career Through Learning

Boost your career and income by learning new skills. These steps can help you.

Creating an Intergenerational ERG

Whether you want to bring age-related topics into existing ERGs or start an age-focused ERG, this toolkit is packed with ideas.

Caregiving ERG Toolkit

Use this guide to leverage ERGs to support employees with caregiving duties and help foster caregiver inclusion.

Tip Sheet
Avoiding and Addressing Medicare Enrollment Mistakes

HR leaders and employees can use this tip sheet to navigate open enrollment those who use Medicare.

Age Inclusion in Action Guide

This action guide is packed with readings, videos and worksheets your team can use to build successful multigenerational teams.

AARP Medicare Webinars

Enrolling in Medicare or filing for Social Security for the first time? Our free, watch anytime webinars could help.

6 Ways to Add Age in Your Diversity and Inclusion Guide

Here are six areas to consider when incorporating age as an element of diversity and inclusion.

Employee Survey Template for Age Inclusion

Analyzing employee survey data by age groups may uncover insights to refine your age inclusion efforts.

Checklist – How to Build Age-Inclusive Cultures

This checklist provides a quick overview of actions organizations can take to become more age-inclusive.

Presentation Slide
Slides – The Business Case for Age Diversity

Want to build mixed-age teams but need leadership buy-in? Download AARP's Business Case slides to build your proof points.

Employer Attitudes on Credentials as Proof of Skills

Skills-based hiring may broaden the candidate pool in a tight labor market. See how employers view experienced workers.

Tip Sheet
Age-Inclusive Hiring for Small Businesses

Small businesses can use this tipsheet for guidance on recruiting a multigenerational workforce with limited teams and budgets.

Case Study
Supporting Working Caregivers: Case Studies of Promising Practices

This report examines describes what “promising practices” look like within a range of employer organizations nationwide.

Supporting Military and Veteran Caregivers at Work

Use this guide to shape policies and procedures that focus on supporting military and veteran employees.

Train Managers on Caregiver-Inclusive Practices

Studies show employees leave managers, not companies. This training helps leaders learn how to manage caregiver-supportive teams.

Tip Sheet
Tips for Being a Long-Distance Caregiver

Use these five steps to staying informed and effective as a long-distance caregiver and tips for putting the measures in place.

AARP Family Caregiving Guide

These guides are designed to help you develop and implement a caregiving team and plan for a loved one or friend.

Financial Workbook for Family Caregivers

This guide helps caregivers manage caregiving finances, create budgets, and plan to protect their own financial well-being.

AARP Medicare Enrollment Guide

This tip sheet helps HR leaders and employees who need to decide when to enroll in Medicare.

Say This, Not That: A Manager’s Guide to Hiring

From sourcing to onboarding, use this guide for an age-inclusive hiring process with customizable templates and team activities.