
Say This, Not That: A Manager’s Guide to Hiring

Age-inclusive recruiting and hiring are key building blocks of any high-performing team.  Hiring managers, interviewers, and others recognize that a variety of viewpoints, skills, and experiences makes teams perform better.  If you are ready to leverage the benefits of a multigenerational workforce, download “Say This, Not That: A Manager’s Guide to Age-Inclusive Hiring.”

You can use this guide to:

1. Engage your talent acquisition team to review your current practices and data through a lens of age.

2. Collaborate with your own team to make your team’s next hire an age-inclusive effort,

3. Win buy-in from key influencers in your organization to train managers on age-inclusive hiring, and

4. Start a new initiative to train managers to recruit and hire mixed-age teams

The guide has what you need to create a more age-inclusive hiring practice—from the data you need to garner support and win resources to the tactical training exercises you can use. It can be used by all members of your interview panel, and by organizations of all sizes and across all industries.

We have even synthesized the best practices into a templated hiring kit for you to customize and use throughout your organization.