
Caregiving ERG Toolkit

If you’re reading this, you’re curious about how your organization can be one where caregivers can thrive in their careers.

The issue has never been more pressing. A recent Harvard study tells us that now 73% of employees have caregiving responsibilities, and that rate will rise as our population ages, retirement age moves later, and younger employees become members of the ‘sandwich generation’ caring for both children and aging loved ones. This creates major risks and opportunities for employers, who must now consider it a key business strategy to address the needs of their employees with caregiving responsibilities. C-suites around the nation are now working directly with their employees to build solutions that work for all, and ERGs are a key tactic to use.

You’re holding a powerful toolkit that you can use to leverage your Employee Resource Groups (affinity groups, or BRGs) to build the careers of your employees with caregiving responsibilities. You don’t have to be the CEO or head of HR to use this kit. You can use it as a staff member, a manager, a senior leader, or someone in the HR team. The tools here can be used by organizations of all sizes, from 25 employees to over 25,000. They can be adapted for organizations with all types of employees, and all industries.


 This Guide is Intended for:

  • Human resource managers and leadership
  • Caregiving Employee Resource Group leaders
  • Working caregivers interested in starting their own Caregiving Employee Resource Groups

Use this guide to:

  • Identify areas of opportunity for caregiving ERG programming
  • Build a caregiving ERG from ground zero and win leadership support
  • Spark thoughtful, productive conversations around supporting working caregivers