The ABCs of 401(K)s

What Do I Need to Know about 401(K)s?

Build long-term financial security

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One of the ways to save and invest for retirement may be right where you work, through a 401(k) plan. If you’re in the government or a nonprofit, your plan might be called a 457 or 403(b). They all generally work the same way, but each has its own rules. Here’s what you need to know about making the most of your retirement savings plan at work. 

The only way you benefit from the plan is to actually sign up for it. Since lots of people never get around to it, many employers automatically enroll employees into the plan. If you haven’t signed up and weren’t automatically enrolled, contact human resources to find out how to participate.

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ABCs of 401K Tip Sheet

One of the ways to save and invest for retirement may be right where you work, through a 401(k) plan. If you’re in the government or a nonprofit, your plan might be called a 457 or 403(b). They all generally work the same way, but each has its own rules. Here’s what you need to know about making the most of your retirement savings plan at work. 


The only way you benefit from the plan is to actually sign up for it. Since lots of people never get around to it, many employers automatically enroll employees into the plan. If you haven’t signed up and weren’t automatically enrolled, contact human resources to find out how to participate.

To continue, sign in to download the full tip sheet.


This Guide is Intended for:

  • Human resource and benefits managers responsible for overseeing compensation and benefits

  • Employees with financial goals, including retirement and buying a home

Use this guide to:

  • Inform employees on tips to save for retirement

  • Empower employees to make smart money decisions about their 401K